Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams. ♥

~Ashley Smith~

Friday, August 17, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Ramadhan semakin hampir sampai ke penghujungnya.
Ada yang gembira dan ada yang bersedih dengan pemergiannya.
Ramadhan tahun ni bermakna buat saya.
Banyak rezeki yang telah Allah berikan kepada saya.
Saya sangat-sangat bersyukur atas kurniaan-Nya.

Saya nak mohon ampun dan maaf jika saya pernah terguna bahasa yang sangat tak appropriate dalam blog ni.
Kadang-kadang bila kita terlalu ikutkan perasaan, kita tak sedar apa yang kita cakap atau tulis.
Sebab tu la kadang-kadang terkeluar bahasa yang sangat tak wajar dalam blog post.
Oleh itu, saya mintak maaf sangat-sangat jika ada yang tersinggung dengan apa yang saya tulis.
Saya ni selalu terlepas cakap.
Sudilah maafkan saya ya...

Kat bawah ni ada pantun untuk anda semua.
Hope you guys like it. =)

Bulan Ramadhan bulan yang diberkati, 
Disambut dengan hati yang suci,
Hendak kirim kad tidak sempat lagi,
Kiriman EMAIL jadi pengganti.

Mari bersama menyambut lebaran,
Memupuk perpaduan sesama kita,
Aidilfitri hari kemenangan,
Saling bermaafan dihari mulia.
(pantun dapat dari Jobstreet) =)

Mohon ampun dan maaf andai saya ada:
tersalah kata,
terkasar bahasa,
tersakitkan hati,
terambil barang.

Mohon di maafkan.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

p/s: Berhati-hati ketika pulang ke kampung. Berehat sebentar kalau rasa letih atau mengantuk. Jumpa lagi lepas raya. =)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Rezeki Bulan Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum & Hai!!

Pejam celik, pejam celik dah 20 hari kita berpuasa.
Macam-macam yang dah kita lalui sepanjang bulan puasa ni.
Ada yang baik & ada juga yang tak berapa nak baik.
Di bulan puasa ini kita berusaha kawal nafsu jahat kita.
Kita berusaha menjadi yang terbaik di mata Allah s.w.t.
Dan juga kita berusaha berubah ke jalan yang lebih elok dan di redhai.

Alhamdulillah, ramadhan tahun ni sangat bermakna bagi saya.
Selepas 3 bulan menunggu akhirnya permohonan rumah En. Man di luluskan.
Kalau awal rezeki dia, awal la kami dapat rumah.
Bila saya dapat tau yang permohonan dia dah diluluskan, terus je mood berangan on.
Berangan nak beli TV macam mana, kerusi colour apa, bilik warna apa.
Berangan nak bela kucing dengan ikan ke salah satu je.
Berangan nak letak buai kat depan rumah(apply rumah kos rendah ada hati nak letak buai depan rumah).
Macam-macam lagi lah.

Saya harap dapat rumah tu cepat.
Sebab kalau dapat cepat boleh la kitorang beli barang sikit-sikit.
Nanti bila dah kawin tak payah fikir pasal rumah lagi dah.

Terima kasih Allah atas rezeki yang engkau berikan.
Walaupun acap kali kami lupakan-Mu tapi Kau sikit pun tak pernah lupakan kami.
Aku sangat-sangat bersyukur atas kurniaan-Mu.

p/s: Moga hari-hari yang mendatang lebih baik dari hari ini. Dan moga Allah beri aku kekuatan untuk berubah ke arah kebaikan. Amin ya rabbal alamin. :)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Movie Day Out: Step Up Revolution

Assalamualaikum & Hello

How's you guys doing? And how's your puasa so far?
How's you raya preparation so far? 
I hope you guys having a blast during this Ramadhan month.

Today, I'm gonna write about Step Up 4: Revolution.
I'm actually a big fan of Step Up. I fell in love with the movie the first time I saw it at HBO 2-3 years back. 
I have all of their CD (from the first movie to the third one). 

What I love about Step Up is their dance choreography.
I just love to see how their body moves to the beat and rhythm of a song.
How they remix the song until it became a really nice & beautiful song.
How they dance together in a soft & same moves.
In other words, I love all aspects of the movie. 

For those who love to watch Showdown at 8TV but haven't watch any of Step Up movie, I suggest you to watch it. 
Its really perfect for your weekend getaway. 
Its not a heavy movie and full with dances.
Its just perfect. 

Enough blabbering, lets get to the main point.
Step Up Revolution.
What can I tell you guys?
The story line is not that awesome. Its a bit easy to guess actually.
If you ever watch Step Up before you'll probably notice there's a common in every Step Up movie.
There will be a boy/girl falls in love with a rich boy/girl and their passion in dance didn't approved by their parents or school.
That's exactly happens in this new movie.

This story is set at Miami, Florida.
The girl, Emily wants to enter a dance school in Miami but her rich father didn't approved it as he wants her to inherit his hotel franchise.
While the boy is a waiter at a hotel owned by the girl's dad and he also the co-founder of a dance group called The Mob.
That's all I can tell you. If you want to know more about the story line, you just have to go and watch it yourself. :)

The dances in this movie is very beautiful. 
You will see a lot of flash mob routine in this movie, obviously. 
The choreography of the dances didn't disappoint me.  
I personally love their dances in an art museum.
It was really amazing and full of art.
You'll just have to experience it yourself. 
It really was that awesome. 
In fact, En. Man wants to go watch it again as he did not satisfied with the 3-D quality.

If you are a big fan of dance movie or dance reality show, you should go watch and experience it yourself.
You won't be disappointed by their dance moves. Believe me.
And also you will see some familiar faces from previous Step Up movie as well.
Do tell me what you think about the movie once you've watch it. 

Been searching for the art museum scene but couldn't find it. 

p/s: Will be watching it again this weekend together with the new Batman movie. Will review about Batman once I've watched it. Till then.