Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams. ♥

~Ashley Smith~

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dugaan atau Balasan?

Adakah ini dugaan atau balasan kepada saya yang sangat boros ini?
Tepuk perut fikir sendiri la bella. 
Oleh kerana saya ni teramat sangat la boros, jadi saya terpaksa ikat perut sekarang ni. 
"Kenapa kena ikat perut pulak?" Kerana........ Nak kena bagitau ke sebab dia? 
Okay la saya bagitau la jugak reason dia dekat korang. 
Sebab dan alasan kenapa saya ikat perut sekarang ni adalah keran saya dah kehabisan duit. 
(Hahahaha... Padan muka kau bella. Sapa suruh boros sangat..Bila ada duit tak ingat dunia, bila tak ada duit baru nak menyesal.) 
Mesti ada yang berkata begitu kepada saya kan. 
In fact pun cakap macam tu dekat saya. 
Tapi tak apa, saya terima segala kritikan dengan hati yang tabah. 
Saya sedar itu semua kesilapan saya yang tak pandai nak manage duit sendiri. 
Kenapa la saya tak ikut perangai yang bijak menguruskan duit (dulu la sebelum dia terikut-ikut perangai boros saya(benda yang baik tak nak di ikutnya))
Dan sekarang ni perut saya pedih gara-gara dah masuk angin. 
Saya harap-harap sangat saya tak kena gastrik. 
Saya tak nak dapat penyakit. Saya tak suka. 

Yang sebenarnya duit saya ada lagi sikit(mintak dari ayah 2 hari lepas :)) tapi saya tak rajin nak turun bawah beli makanan. 
(Dah la malas nak turun makan lepas tu bising-bising mengadu lapar. Teruk betul la dia ni)
Ngehngeh.. Saya memang macam ni. 
Kuat complain. Malam tadi baru lepas kena tegur dengan sebab kuat complain. 
Complain sana, complain sini. Semua nak complain. Bad attitude betul. 

This is what happened to me just now

And this is what happened when my tummy starts singing in public (malu woi)

Perut saya makin kuat berbunyik. Sebelum orang lain dengar lebih baik saya pergi pantry buat roti bakar. 
Will update on some other matter soon.

p/s: kawan saya dan akan melangsungkan perkahwinan hujung minggu ni. Nanti saya upload gambar time wedding mereka ye(agak-agak ada ke orang yang nak tunggu saya upload gambar wedding tu nanti?) We just have to wait and see. Have a good day all... Peace.. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


What's not to love about it?
The reddish at the sky and at the water are just too beautiful to be missed.

I just love to take picture of sunset.
The feelings while I watch as the sun goes down are just hard to describe.
The first time I watch sunset at Pulau Langkawi makes me fall in love with it.
And from that day I promise myself that I will try and capture more sunset view.

(Photos taken from Google)

I didn't bring my camera with me so there will be no sunset pictures from me. :)
I promised that I will upload it later. 

p/s: Trying my best to take good quality pictures. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I'm going to be 24 soon but I'm still not sure with my life.
What I really wanna do and what I choose to do.
Some people at this point of age have a lot in their minds. 
They have plans and backups for their future life. 
But me on the other hand, still trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my life. 
I can't even imagine myself 5 years from now. 
At some point I felt like I haven't grown up. Like I'm still that young girl trying to build her own life.
Sometimes I felt like I'm a 17yo girl trapped in 24yo woman body. 
And that's not a good feeling to have right now as I will be getting married in 1 year time.
I really, really should plan for my future.
O Allah, please show me the right thing to do with my life. 
I'm tired of being told by somebody else to organize my life.