Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams. ♥

~Ashley Smith~

Monday, May 28, 2012

Hari Belia Negara 2012

I'm sure all Malaysian would have heard about 'Hari Belia Negara' which was held last week.
It starts from 23rd until 27th May at Presint 2, Putrajaya.
I've been waiting for this event since the day the announced it. 
It's a gathering of millions youth from all over the country. 
It was a huge and happening event. 

I went there on the last day of the event together with En. Man.
We didn't take many pictures as the weather was really hot.
Here's some of the pictures that we captured from the event yesterday.

Hope next year they will organize this event again with more and more activities. Can't wait till next year.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Friday

Finally, its Friday. The happiest day of the week.
Its the last day of the week that I have to go to work before I can just 'bermalas-malasan' at home. 
Its the last day of the week that I have to think about stuff at office.
And its the day that I don't have to think of what to wear to office because I can wear jeans and T-shirt on that day.
And that's y I called Friday the happiest day of the week. 

p/s: Hope you guys felt the same way too. Have a blessed Friday peeps.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Engagement Photos

Salam Khamis semua. Tak sangka dah hari Khamis. Dah nak start cuti sekolah dah kan. 
Bila cuti sekolah start maknanya banyak kedai akan buat sale. 
Bila dah sale, duit pun cepat la habis.

Hari ni saya nak cerita sikit tentang 'engagement day' saya.
Beberapa bulan yang lepas, saya di tunangkan dengan my one and only boyfriend, En. Man Toyol.
At first, kitorang tak expect pun yang kitorang akan bertunang sebab perancangan kitorang adalah terus nikah, tak payah tunang.
Majlis kitorang pun simple sangat. Sangat-sangat simple.
Selalu dengar pasal kahwin koboi, tapi saya pulak bertunang koboi. 
No hantaran, no friends and not many family knows about it.

It started of with me being 'lecture' by one of my aunties in front of her daughter.
It was so embarrassing. Bukan saya tak boleh terima teguran dia, cuma cara dia tak betul.
She lecture me about everything. My family, my siblings and of course about my relationship.
And when my dad heard about it, he ask me to get engaged as soon as possible.

When we arrived at our home, he ask me to call en. man's family (sangat la perigi mencari timba kan.).
Jadi saya pun turun la ke rumah mereka di tingkat bawah dan ajak naik atas.
Owh, btw rumah sewa yang saya duduk sekarang ni satu blok dengan rumah en. man.
Sebab tu la ada rumah atas dan rumah bawah. :)
Bincang punya bincang, diorang tetapkan tarih 16hb untuk majlis bertunag kami.
Masa tu ada lagi 10 hari aje lagi before 16hb.
Dengan duit yang kurang, kami pun pergi la beli cincin, baju untuk pakai masa hari kejadian dan sedikit buah tangan. Tak ada dulang hantaran.  
I gave him a basket of biscuits and chocolates which I called 'hamper' and he gave me a basket of fruits, and cake. 
That's all. Sangat la tak ikut adat kan. 

Kadang-kadang bila saya fikir-fikir balik, saya rasa macam nak bertunag semula aje.
Make a proper event.
Ajak semua kawan-kawan kami dan juga family kami.
Tapi apakan daya benda dah lepas. 
Jadi untuk tebus majlis bertunang saya yang tak berapa nak memorable sangat, I plan to do a memorable wedding. 
Eventhough wedding saya next year, saya dah start plan dari sekarang. Advance kan.

Here's a few pictures from the event day.
Feel free to scroll down.

My niece, Lana (in green kurung) and her cousin Alicia(the one on the left) with Lana's baby sister, Alayna. 

My future MIL (the one in pink scarf).

Tok Imam & my uncle.

Tuan rumah, Papa Johor (call him that because he lived in Johor Bahru)

Lana, Auntie Mok(black scarf), Auntie Shah(beige scarf), me and Aina(my neice).

My dad and my nephew(Adam)

Acik, Abg Joe(my BIL), Abg Ron(my cousin) and her daughter and Papa Johor.

My future Father-in-law and her youngest daughter and his oldest son.

Me with Aina

My sister and her husband.

Me and Ayyad


Sarung Cincin.

Le Fruit Bazket.

Le Hamper.

Le Ring.

My niece together with En. Man's siblings and cousins.

Me and Ayyad(malam majlis kesyukuran)

En. Man and Aina @ Mid Valley

En. Man Toyol

Aina Syuhada

Roti Boy

The Ring 
(oleh kerana jari saya kecik, cincin yang ada batu tu kena potong but still longgar lagi.)

p/s: To those yang saya tak jemput especially my family members, I'm truly sorry. Bukan tak nak jemput tapi sebab kelam kabut semua benda pun tak kena. Nanti time wedding definitely saya akan invite semua orang. Sorry again for not inviting you guys.