Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams. ♥

~Ashley Smith~

Monday, July 30, 2012

New Make-up

Assalamualaikum & Hello all

How's your 'puasa' so far?
I hope that u guys had a great 'puasa' this year.

Today I'm gonna write about my new make-up.
I'm soo in love with them.
It smells soo nice and that makes me happy. 

For the past one month, I've been having a really bad pimples.
It makes me stress just by looking at it.
So I've wait patiently until my payday to buy Tia Amelia as I heard that it works well to reduce pimples.
Will review on the progress after I use this product later.

This is the set that I bought yesterday.

And there's another one brand that I wanted to buy for the last 3 months.
Its a halal cosmetic that can be used while we pray.
It came from Turki and it has become a phenomenon among Muslim women.
It smells so nice and very affordable.
I'm officially in love with Farmasi Colour Cosmetics.
Below are the items that I bought yesterday.

1) FCC Wet & Dry Two Way Foundation No. 09

FCC Tender Blush- No 163

2 )FCC Tender Blush On No. 163

FCC Soft Touch Quatro Eye Shadow- No. 203

FCC Soft Touch Quatro Eye Shadow- No. 208

3) FCC Soft Touch Quatro Eye Shadow

4) FCC True Color Lipstick no.313

5) FCC True Color Lipstick no. 323

I bought all the cosmetics at IOI Mall, Puchong.
They were having sale and I got them for less price (except for Tia Amelia and FCC powder).
I bought item no.2 to no.5 for only RM 50.
So cheap aite.
Will review about FFC and Tia Amelia later..
Till then.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Blog yang Menarik Hati

Assalamualaikum & Hello

Salam Jumaat dan salam Ramadhan buat semua umat Islam.
Besok, tanggal 21 Julai 2012, semua umat Islam akan start berpuasa termasuk lah saya.
Alhamdulillah, puasa yang ditinggalkan tahun lepas dah selamat di ganti. :)

Bila bercakap pasal bulan Ramadhan semua orang akan terbayang bazaar, terawikh, moreh & majlis berbuka puasa. Betul kan...
Sebenarnya, start dari hari Isnin lagi saya dah excited terlebih tunggu hari Sabtu sampai.
Yelah, tak sabar nak tunggu bazaar Ramadhan dekat rumah start beroperasi. 
Terbayang-bayang makanan-makanan yang ada.
Tak sabar nak pergi sembahyang terawikh jugak.
Dah lama tak pergi. Asyik bz manjang sampai tak sempat nak pergi.
Tak sabar nak bawak ayah pergi ziarah kubur arwah mak.
Tak sabar nak pegi fitting baju raya.
Tak sabar nak raya.
Pendek kata, tak sabar dengan semua perkara lah.

Entry kali ni sebenarnya bukan berkisarkan bulan Ramadhan.
Tapi berkisarkan tentang satu blog yang saya baru jumpa pagi tadi.
Saya terjumpa blog ni masa saya tengah blogwalking dekat blog Sue Anna Joe.
Blog yang saya maksudkan ialah blog contengconteng ni.
Hati saya terus terpaut dekat blog ni start dari post pertama yang saya baca.
Dari lukisan yang penulis blog lukis hingga ke isi kandungan blog memang sangat best.
Remind me of my childhood time. Sangat-sangat suka. 
Tahniah Encik Fadhli Hamdan, I'm officially one of your fans now. 
Gonna search for the books that he have produce before. 

p/s: Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa bagi semua umat Islam. Bagi yang bukan Islam, selamat berbelanja dan menjamu selera di bazaar yang berdekatan dengan anda. :) 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Movie Day Out: The Amazing Spider-Man

Last night me and En.Man went for movie.
We watch the new spider man movie, "The Amazing Spider-Man".
I'm sure all of you have heard about the movie before right.
Who doesn't, go and Google bout it now.. :)

Actually, I'm not a big fan of Mr. Spidey, but because of En.Man wants to watch it, so me being the good fiancee' booked our ticket online.
I booked our movie at GSC IOI Mall, Puchong cause its nearer to our house. 
I picked twin-seat in the middle of the row, and its definitely a good choice. 
The movie starts at 9.00pm in Digital 3-D.

We arrived at IOI Mall around 8.30pm. 
There's only one ticket counter open and we have to queue for about 10 minutes. 
It took us less than one minutes to get our ticket from the ticket counter and that amused me(never booked online before).
Then we went straight to the popcorn counter. 
Bought popcorn combo 3 together with Spider-man 3D cup(in love with it). 
And we went straight to our 3D hall.

What can I say about the movie? 
It was amazing.. :)
The first chapter is all about Peter Parker, his aunt and uncle and also about his crush, Gwen Stacy.
We can see how Peter gets bitten by the spider, how he reacted when he discover his power and his feeling towards his missing dad. 
There's funny, sad and exciting moment in this movie. 
You can see improvement in Peter since the starting of the movie towards the end of it.
If you wanna know more, go and experience it yourself. :)

Peter Parker(Andrew Garfield) & Gwen Stacy(Emma Stone)

Always with the bag

GSC Spider-man 3D Cup

Just like the one I have.. :)

I can assure you'll enjoy this movie as much as I am even though I'm not a big fan of Spider-man. 
Worth my money paying for it. :-)
Next movie on the list : The Dark Knight Rises.
Hope this one will be as great as other Batman movies before. 
Till then.. Chiao... 
Have a nice weekend. 

p/s: This review is from my own point of view. Hope you like it.. :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


This is a story that comes out from the feeling that I have today. 
Here's a story on what happen to me just now.

I ask my colleague(the one that my HR appointed to cover me when I need a break) whether they can cover me for a while so that I can go and perform my solat. And their answer was so frustrated. Here a lil bit of dialogue between me and them:

Calling A:
Me: Are you busy?
A: Yup, why?
Me: I want your help to cover me for awhile. I want to go for solat.
A: Owh, I'm busy. I have something to finished right now. Why don't you ask B to cover you.
Me: She's busy too. But never mind, I'll try and ask her.
A: Okay.

Calling B:
Me: Are you busy?
B: Of course I'm busy. Why?
Me: I just need your help to cover me for awhile. I want to got to 'surau'.
B: I'm busy. Why didn't you ask A to cover you. She got someone that can cover her job for awhile. If I cover you then who will cover my job?
Me: Owh, okay. Never mind. I'll try and ask A again.
B: -Hang up-.

After the last conversation, I cannot hold back my tears. I quickly ran into the toilet and cry, cry and just cry. I felt so tiny at that moment. I even regret being a receptionist. I regret being a front-liner. I regret everything about this job. All I want to do is just to perform my prayer. Is that wrong? Whats the point of me replacing my Ramadhan fast if I didn't solat? I know that I didn't always perform my solat, but at least I'm trying my best to change that. But if this what I always get when I want to perform my solat, I think my effort will go to waste. From now on, I just have to be strong. Maybe this is a test given from 'HIM' to test the strength of my faith. I just have to accept it with an open heart.

p/s: may Allah forgive my wrong. Amin..